The devices remain property of IPKO while the User keeps such devices in use throughout the duration of the contract.

The User is obliged to return the devices in his/her use no later than 5 (five) days from the date of termination/expiration of the Contract.

The User is obliged to use and maintain the devices in accordance with the terms set out in the TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION which is an integral part of the Contract.

In case of not returning the devices, damaging due to the use of devices in noncompliance with instructions and loss, the User is obliged to pay the total amount of the devices, based on the value specified in the pricelist set out below. The User is obliged to pay the total amount of the devices, as per the value specified in the price list set out below.

Equipment typePrice of equipment
Resiver60.00 €
Smart Card10.00 €
Modem60.00 €
Gpon Modem120.00 €

*Note: IPKO reserves the right to change the price of the device subject to changes in market prices and advises you to visit this page to refer to the current applicable prices.

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