SMS Top Up via NLB Prishtina

It enables you to refill your mobile phone, internet and digital television and TV package, DUO TV by sending an SMS to 50444.

For refilling account of IPKO mobile:

  • Write mobile phone number, space, the amount which you want to refill it with and send the SMS to 50444
  • ex: ” 049xxxxxx5 ” (for refilling the 5€)

Refillin can be made in the amount from 5 – 100€.

For refilling the account of IPKO television:

  • Write tv, space, user name or the name of the contract and send the SMS to 50444
  • ex: ” Tv xxxxxxxxx “

For refilling IPKO internet account:

  • Write internet, space, user name and send the SMS to 50444
  • ex: ” Internet xxxxxxxxx “

For refilling IPKO DUO TV (television and internet):

  • Write DUOTV, space, user name or the name of the contract and send the SMS to 50444
  • ex: ” DUOTV xxxxxxxxx “

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