SMS Top Up via Banka Ekonomike

It enables refilling of mobile phone, internet and digital television and TV package, DUOTV by sending an SMS to 50005.

For refilling your personal account of IPKO mobile:

  • Just enter the amount of refill and send the SMS to 50005
  • ex: “5” (for refilling with 5€)

For refilling the other person’s account, of IPKO mobile:

  • Enter the number of another person, space, the amount of refill you want to refill in and send the SMS to 50005
  • ex: “049xxxxxx 5” (for refilling with 5€)

For the refilling of a few accounts, of IPKO mobile:

  • Enter the number of a person, space, amount of refill, hashtag (#), the number of another person, space, amount, hashtag (#), the third person, space, amount, hashtag (#) and you finish until all the numbers you have planned to refill are written and send the SMS to 50005
  • ex: “049xxxxxx 5 # 049xxxxxx 5 # 049xxxxxx 5”

For refilling IPKO fixed account:

  • Write FIX, space, user name or the name of the contract and send the SMS to 50005
  • ex: “FIX xxxxxxxxx”

For refilling a few accounts, of IPKO fixed:

  • Write the number of the person you wish to refill, space, amount, and hashtag (#), continue to write the next number of the person you wish to refill, space, amount and send the SMS to 50005
  • ex: “038xxxxxx 038xxxxxx 5 # 5”

For refilling IPKO internet account:

  • Write the internet, space, user name and send the SMS to 50005
  • ex: “Internet xxxxxxxxx”

For refilling IPKO television account::

  • Write tv, space, user name and send the SMS to 50005
  • ex: “Tv xxxxxxxxx”

For refilling IPKO DUO TV (television and internet):

  • Write DUOTV, space, user name or the name of the contract and send the SMS to 50005
  • ex: “DUOTV xxxxxxxxx”

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