Mobile Internet for Kosovo

Browse packages

Mobile internet packages are prepaid packages designed for use only within the territory of Kosovo and offer 4G speed internet (your phone must support 4G technology).

Depending on how much you spend on the Internet, you can choose the most suitable package with different amounts of MB. These packages contain only internet, while for prepaid combined packages: internet, minutes and SMS click here, while for combined monthly packages click here.

For content, duration and price of internet packages, refer to the table below:

For more internet

8GB Package

8GB / month

6.5 €


  • GB: 8GB
  • Validity: 30days
  • Activation: *900*5#

10GB Package

10GB / month

8.5 €


  • GB: 10GB
  • Validity: 30 days
  • Activity: *900*7#


20GB Package

20GB / 21 days

10 €


  • GB: 20GB
  • Validity: 21 days
  • Activation:*505*1#

1GB Package

1GB/ 24h



  • GB: 1GB
  • Validity: 24h
  • Activation: *900*0#

2GB Package

2GB/ 7 days



  • GB: 2GB
  • Validity: 7days
  • Activity: *900*1#

3GB Package

3GB/ 10 days

3.5 €


  • GB: 3GB
  • Validity: 10days
  • Activation: *900*2#

4GB Package

4GB/ 14 days

4.5 €


  • GB: 4GB
  • Validity: 14days
  • Activation: *900*3#


If you have a problem using the Internet, please check if you have activated the Internet beforehand. If not, activate it by dialing the code *321#.

After the package expires, the new package (the last activated larger one) is automatically reactivated whenever you top up. If you do not want the package to be activated automatically, you can stop the automatic activation by dialing the code *900*9#.

Activate the promotional package with 20GB for only 10 EUR. The package is valid for 21 days. To activate this package, you need to dial the code *505*1# or activate it directly in the MyIpko App.

The package is not automatically reactivated, therefore you need to activate the new package after its expiration.

The PROMO 20GB offer is promotional for an indefinite period.

Additional details

Prices apply after MB postage

After spending the MB of the package, the following standard prices apply:


  • The customer must have more than 0.28EUR in the account to use the mobile internet after spending the package.

In the table below, you can find the codes that you can use to manage internet packages:

Package management, activation, checking account status, sending the package as a gift can be done more easily through the MyIPKO application (available on AppStore and PlayStore).

Please be careful!

In order not to spent from your main account, you must first turn off the “data” on your phone and activate a new package and then turn on the “data” option again.Unused MB of the package will be lost upon its expiration. In order to use remain MB you need to activate a new package before the old package expires (at least one day earlier) otherwise the unused MB will be lost

To activate one of the packages, you need to have sufficient funds in the account.

IPKO offers the possibility of sending refills in different values to your number or to any other IPKO number by visiting any of our shops and distributors or even easier by sending electronic refills through the following channels:

Online payments portal

MyIPKO Application


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