IPKO Visa Prepaid Card rewards with 100 € each five winners of Price Winning Game “New Years in Comfort”

Prishtina 30th of December 2009 – in mid December 2009, IPKO Telecommunications Company on her 10th anniversary announced The Price Winning Game “New Years in Comfort” for all owners of IPKO Visa Prepaid Card.

Today, IPKO Visa Prepaid Card has chosen Yllka Zakuti, Naim Krasniqi, Amel Huseini, Jeton Isufi and Xhelal Tershnjaku as the winners of Price Winning Game “New Years in Comfort” and on this occasion they are rewarded with 100 € each on their IPKO Visa Prepaid Card to spend as they wish.

“IPKO Visa prepaid Card until now has proven to be a big success, with more than 15,000 applications within the first 2 months, and we are very please to offer to the citizens of Kosovo a chance to be a part of these price winning games to win and use IPKO Visa Prepaid Card”, said Alban Kastrati, from the IPKO’s Office of Public Relations.

Also, for the year 2010, IPKO Visa Card is preparing new programs, where clients will have a chance to win even more and become part of a major program.

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